


Ensuring the integrity of the University’s Financial Accounting and Reporting System,  the validity and appropriateness of financial transactions recorded and reported therein, compliance with laws, regulations, policies and contract requirements applicable to accounting and reporting, and the completeness, fairness, and timeliness of disclosures and financial reports that are provided to oversight bodies, taxing authorities, financial institutions, bond trustees, benefactors, creditors, customers, the public, the General Assembly, the University’s Board of Trustees, the University of North Carolina Office of the President, campus units and other internal or external parties.


University Operations Update 06/18/2023: Travel Exception Process and Required Approvals during COVID-19 Impacted Operations 
University travel remains restricted due to UNC System directives and public health concerns. All travel is considered an exception and must be approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designees.  Travel exception approvals are required before travel occurs, and for reimbursement of any travel expenses.  The only exemptions to this travel exception requirement are 1) reimbursement for in-state mileage-only travel; or 2) reimbursement for in-state travel with no overnight stay.

Emergency Management and Mission Continuity (EMMC) will continue to coordinate the travel exception process for the university and advise the Cabinet regarding UNC System, OSBM, State of North Carolina (including Executive Orders) and CDC travel protocol. The university will adhere to recommendations ensuring prudent and, as feasible, uniform decisions.  All travel exception requests must be submitted via the Travel Exception Form (except for in-state mileage-only travel or in-state travel with no overnight stay which are exempted from this requirement).

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  • The travel exception process is a preliminary step to, not in lieu of, the standing travel authorization process. Colleges and units are expected to review, and approve or deny, travel authorization requests per their normal standard operating procedures.
  • Travel exception requests should be submitted at least two weeks prior to travel departure date and no further than two months in advance.
  • An email confirming the submission will be sent to the individual initiating the request. When the request is routed to the Cabinet leader for review, the applicable Associate Dean for Research, Academic Affairs, or Extension (ADR/ADAA/ADE) or similar key contact, and the unit Finance lead such as the Assistant Dean for Finance (ADF), will be copied.
  • Resolution of the request (approval or denial) will be communicated via email to the requester, and the applicable ADR/ADAA/ADE/ADF or key contact.
  • If the travel exception is approved by the Cabinet leader, the approval email must be uploaded with the travel authorization and travel reimbursement request in MyPack Portal.
  • Travel exception requests must be approved in advance of submitting a travel authorization via MyPack Portal.
  • Documented approvals of travel exception requests are required to receive reimbursement for travel expenses.

Approval of travel exceptions may be revoked or adjusted at any time as deemed appropriate by university leadership due to changes in risk locally, the area in which travel is planned and travel conveyances; and will be communicated to the traveler as appropriate.

Questions related to the travel exception process and/or status of an exception request should be directed to EMMC (919-515-9657 or ncstateemmc@ncsu.edu).

Source: 3D Memo: Travel Exception Process and Required Approvals during COVID-19 Impacted Operations  Issued 06/18/20

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COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization and is becoming more widespread, including spreading in the community.  COVID-19 is extremely contagious and believed to be spread mainly from person-to-person contact.  Although the university has instituted reasonable practices in an attempt to lessen or reduce the spread of COVID-19, NC State cannot guarantee that you will never get exposed to the virus or get sick from it.  Further, undertaking travel could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19.   You must review and comply with any federal, state, or local travel restrictions or requirements related to COVID-19 that apply to your travel destination.  Please review any and all travel guidance and advisories for your destination, including the Centers for Disease Control’s “Considerations for Travelers” resource at http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2023-ncov/travelers/index.html prior to your travel.

The CDC, and state and local health departments, are reviewing and updating their respective guidance on the pandemic and its impact nearly every day.  As a result, NC State reserves the right to restrict your travel if necessary to protect campus health and safety. Further, based on your travel destination, and government order or guidance, the university may restrict your access to campus for a certain period of time following your return in order to lessen the risk of possible COVID-19 transmission.


Accounts Payable Processing During COVID-19
During this time of reduced and limited office access,

  • PO invoices can be submitted to  ncsu_poinvoices@ncsu.edu .  Please ensure that receiving reports are completed. If the invoice does not require receiving, ensure that you have documented sign-off.
  • Check pick-ups and Express Checks will be limited to urgent requests.  If you have an urgent payment and you would like to request an express check, use the following links:
    • Express Check Request – Small Purchase Voucher
    • Express Check Request – ssr节点购买网址
  • If a request for a check pick-up or an express check is approved, AP will contact you to schedule a date and time to pick up the check.

COVID-19 Travel Related Cancellations
To answer questions regarding the cancellation of travel related expenses to COVID-19 affected and unaffected travel destinations visit ssr节点购买 

2023 Close-Out Schedule
The Year-End close out schedule for FY20 is now available (Updated 03/19/20).  Reference this schedule for important fiscal year end dates.

New Mileage Rate
Effective January 1, 2023, the Office of State Budget and Management decreased the mileage reimbursement rate for official university business from 58 cents per mile to 57.50 cents when the round trip mileage does not exceed 100 miles per trip…more

Effective January 1, 2018 moving expense reimbursements are fully taxable as income. As a result of this change to the tax law, NC State is providing the following relocation allowance guidelines to provide greater flexibility to the University and its employees…购买ssr节点服务.

Third-Party / Non-Commercial Lodging Policy Reminder 
Reimbursement or direct payment for lodging in an establishment that is being rented out by a third-party or an establishment treated as an apartment building by state or local law or regulation is not allowed unless approved in advance by the University Controller’s Office, as delegated by the Office of State Budget and Management. Non-commercial lodging includes any lodging option that is not a commercially licensed hotel, hostel, or government/university dorm. Non-commercial lodging can be found on websites such as Airbnb, HomeAway, VRBO, and Hotels.com. These open marketplaces have numerous listing; however, many of the properties are not legal rentals according to city, county, state, or country property and zoning law. As a state agency, university paid expenses must follow all applicable laws and ordinances.

This policy applies to all payment methods including direct payments to vendors, p-card payments, and personal reimbursements.

If an employee does not secure approval prior to their travel start date, the employee will assume the financial liability of the Third Party / Non-Commercial lodging expense if it cannot be approved. Unauthorized p-card costs must be reimbursed back to the university. State funds can not be used for requests submitted after the travel start date.

Full policy details may be found by visiting Lodging in Non-Commercial Lodging Establishments webpage.